dijous, 20 d’octubre del 2011

How much do you know about languages?

First of all, when I did the quiz, I found it quite interesting and at the same time a bit difficult as I didn’t know many of the questions and which of the three options was the correct answer.
For me, one of the most interesting questions was number five. It asked which European language placed the family name first and the given name second. The correct answer was Hungarian, and that in my opinion was very surprising.
Secondly, another question that I found interesting and very funny was number twenty-one that asked which of these three languages (French, Slovenian and Italian), possessed a grammatical form that was ideal for expressing love. The correct answer was Slovenian, as the same word contains the word “Love” and this was quite evident and funny.
Thirdly, I also liked question number fifty-one, where I had to answer which one of the words below came from the Swedish language. The correct answer was “Dynamite”. I found this question very curious and in my opinion it’s good to learn where the words come from originally.
I also found question number seventeen very funny and strange: what is the origin of the Danish custom of people looking into one another’s eye before and after drinking toasts? The right answer was: to ensure your drinking partner doesn’t make an unforeseen attack. That was a particular and a funny thing to do in my opinion. This question is useful to know the origins of Danish people and how Vikings celebrated some traditions like “Toasting”.
To sum up, I think it’s a good idea to do this quiz because while you are doing it, you learn more culture and you enjoy yourself. It’s also useful to test how much we know about general culture, and other countries.

Finally, I would like to add that it’s never late to learn new things in life!

dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011



·         One effective website to practice reading in English.

I have chosen this page because I think that it helps you to improve your English reading skills. You can choose your level (elementary/pre-intermediate, intermediate, or advanced) and read the stories you like the most. You can also do some exercises after reading the stories. If you read these stories and you do the tests you will be preparing for some exams like PET, FCE and CAE and you will be able to analyze your level of comprehension. I can also say that the style of the webpage is quite good.

·         One effective website to practice listening to stories in English.

I have chosen this webpage to practice listening to stories in English because I think it is a very useful web page where you can practice your listening level and your comprehension. You can listen to English and American stories, written by famous writers too. You can listen to many topics and you can also search for the story you would like to listen or download. Apart from that, you can practice reading, grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and you can even learn songs and listen to them. You will also find proverbs, anagrams, slang, games, etc. This page is very practical for English skills, especially for listening stories and topics. I think that people like this page because of the structure and organization and because of the modern style.

·         One effective website to improve your English.

In my opinion, this webpage is very useful if you want to improve your English level by watching funny videos, listening to English stories, doing online exercises, etc. You can also listen to any kind of audio items, such as articles and books and you can find a lot of material to increase your level of English too. You can even learn other languages like Japanese, Chinese, Armenian, Italian... and you can also use a translator. In general, this web page has all the requirements that you need to improve your English and be perfect at it. It’s important to say that the page is stylish and seems to be an important web page like the British Council.

Study tips (Auditory learning style)

Learning style: auditory.

In this Word we are going to describe our learning style, which is based on hearing and listening in order to memorize things better.
Now we will show you the different characteristics that we have, so we will try to help other people who are auditory or who are looking for the group they suit the best.

A. We suggest to record your voice and listening to it before going to bed. Scientists have come to the conclusion that if you do that, it is a good way to memorize everything you have recorded.

B. What you should also take into account would be singing original songs and put rhythm to what we have to study.

C.  Auditory people usually enjoy conversation in any kind of situation. They do not mind the topic they are talking about. Not really, because they love talking and talking for hours.

D. It is said that studying with other people is helpful for auditory students. We need someone to share information because we can help each other by interacting.

E.  Presentations and discussions are useful enough to remember what we listen for the exam. And, if the one who is doing the presentation is not the teacher, the subject is more attractive so we prefer it and we pay attention.

F.  Participating in class is a good way of hearing different points of view. Everybody has a different opinion of the same topic and it would be better to know other thoughts. That can help you to have your ideas clearer and more organized.

G. The more you read aloud, the more you will improve your skills.

H. It is disgusting for auditory people to be surrounded by unpleasant sounds. However, we recommend you to hear the sounds you like the most. E.g. birds singing, listening waterfalls, hearing the sea waves, etc.

I.   If you identify yourself with almost of the word below, that means that you are AUDITORY.

1. Speak.
2. Musical.
3. Proclaim.
4. Rhythm.
5. Remark.
6. Noise.
7. Listen.
8. Ask.
9. Shout.
10. Sound.

PowerPoint auditory Learning style